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Fungi samples are tested via HPLC against calibrated reference standards of a pure, known substance such as Psilocin and Psilocybin to name a few. This test shows us the levels of the tryptamines that we are testing for in the sample. HPLC analysis of these fungi is a very new field and there are very few testing labs in the US that perform these analysis. We trust our lab testing to IntroArts Lab, an independent, 3rd party organization that specializes is entheogenic research. IntroArts Lab shares all of their methods, sample prep SOPs and ChemStation reports openly with the scientific community in an attempt to further this fascinating research and this, among many other reasons, is why we only trust our testing to one laboratory.
HPLC technology is advancing rapidly, however, HPLC for fungi testing is not an exact science nor is it definitive data for every fruiting body of fungi in that same cultivation. Samples are taken from a selection of fruiting bodies that have been homogenized (ground and mixed to a powder). While the test itself is very accurate, each separate fruiting body within the same cultivation can have a slightly different tryptamine profile. These tryptamine profile analysis' should be viewed as an average of what one should expect from that strain cultivated from those genetics.
Basic COAs have all relevant information on one page with a Tryptamine Profile Chart for an “at a glance” comparison.
Full length COAs have multiple pages. Equivalency Values such as “PCBE” & “PCNE” are figures are based on the molecular weights of the two major alkaloids of magic mushrooms & takes the conversion factors into account due to the compounds phosphorylating or dephosphorylating. Both figures are useful to get an idea of total potency that maybe felt. The “Minors” figure is also given as a total of minor alkaloids to get an idea of any entourage effects.
The “Profile” Pie Charts give a visual view of the total compounds found and the ratios between them. This can give an idea of entourage effects and complete tryptamine makeup “profile” of your strain at a glance.
The “Bubble Boxes” page as we call it, shows similar figures as PCBE % but this time only in milligrams per gram. Its good to have both % percentages and mg/g for the most advised dosing decisions.
The chromatographs give the actual absorbance peaks and retention times based on the method which was run. These graphs are invaluable to give another visual aid on the absorbance “mAu” score and peaks seen by the HPLC technician. This also can give clues as to how the tech ran the sample, what else was picked up and perhaps not reported.
PCR/ DNA sequencing amplifies the DNA of the strain making lots of copies. After amplification, we run the DNA via Electrophoresis on a gel stain to make sure the DNA is present and run Sanger Sequencing of the ITS regions, ITS1, ITS4, LSU, SSU, regions. If the sequences are matched and alignable to others, we can then compare them to see how similar and different they are and where they fall onto the phenolic family tree and Blast the sequence, view phenolic trees and other useful related mushroom sub strains. There is indeed value of ITS sequencing of sub strain fungi! More info the better. Potency is NOT everything. Its actually just one thing!
The PsiloQ test was invented by Dr. Felix Blei of Miraculix Germany. PsiloQ test is a fast reagent kit for determining the alkaloid content easily based on a reagent color reaction scale.
We now use a colorimeter/ spectrometer to determine the scores instead of just using our eyes. In this way we can develop a calibration standard as community based on this open source device to simply measure the absorbance of the PsiloQ tests. This can give us better determination of the 2 major alkaloids separately as it can be measured at different stages of the reagent test to determine the levels of the major alkaloids, Psilocin and Psilocybin. We use this for batch testing our powdered and homogenized products that we use in chocolate bars and microdose capsules, ensuring our clients always know the potency of their medicine.
This page shows results of the moisture Analysis & Total contamination load. The moisture content of a biomass affects its potency, sample extraction and degradation factors. This test shows the moisture content before and after drying with regain values and solid mass figures. These are helpful in determining an average and true “Anhydrous scores” of the bio mass. Heavy Metals and pesticide analysis is more relevant to outdoor or wild grows, (particularly cannabis, although maybe indoor too with a lot of use of additives and nutrient booster). There are some basic PASS/FAIL tests we do for Fungi for mycotoxins and other mold contaminants which we test for with Agar /PCR/ Electrophoresis and HPLC.
Calibration curves are a representation of the CRM standards of a given compound at various dilutions plotted on a linear line graph. Your compounds score is often highlighted to see where it falls on the graph as compared to the standard. More calibration points are desired for accuracy from lowest to highest range. Some compounds require points to be grouped lower or higher than others for precise measuring and calibrations. It is best to fall within the curve points.
In more general terms, a calibration curve is a curve or table for a measuring instrument which measures some parameter indirectly, giving values for the desired quantity as a function of values of sensor output. For example, a calibration curve can be made for a particular analyte concentration.